Revolution FC Recreational Program

Registration For Fall 2025 Soccer is NOW OPEN!

Click Here to Register


  • Registration dates:
  • Early bird registration ends 3/1
  • Regular registration ends 5/5
  • Late registration ends when a division is full  of on 5/15 (whichever comes first)
  • Rosters and practice schedules will begin to be formed in June. 
  • Parent meetings will be held in late June (info TBA)
  • Practices begin the week of July 7th
  • Regular season games kick off July 26th and run through mid September
  • September 27th will be the last day of the Regular season games
  • Playoff games take place in late September to mid October (playoff games not guaranteed for every team)
  • Rec Championship games take place October 18
  • Rec Allstar Games take place on November 1

Program fees:

Program Fees End Date Fee
Early Bird 3/1/2025 $250
Regular 5/5/2025 $275
Late 5/15/2025 $300
Waitlist Until Full $300
Sibling Discount* NA $20

Financial Aid:

A limited number of scholarships are available to those with financial hardship. Please email for more information

Important Links

Review our Rec Policies Review Our Coaching Documents


  • Fall Season Only
  • Uniform kit included- jersey, shorts, socks
  • Games are played at the following locations based on age group: Freedom Basin, Garin Park, Oak Meadow and Sunset.
  • Ages U7 to U19 (Division by grade are listed below!)
  • If you have a child younger than 7, you might want to consider our Pre-Academy program. We have 2 options, Spring or Fall.
  • The Spring Pre-Academy is for birth years 2014-2020 and will run April-May.
  • The Fall Pre-Academy is for ages birth years 2017-2020 and will run late July-Sept.
  • Teams typically play 8 to 10 regular season games and can potentially quality for Playoffs
  • Our rec program is all about the joy of the game.
  • Participants play against other participants in the same age group but limited to playing against other club Rec members.
  • Coaches are from our parent pool and help kids learn the game while having fun.
  • Players are assigned to a team based on player ability and/ or team need for league balance. Players are evaluated for skill and experience during a training session at the beginning of the season.
  • Coaches determine practice schedules and location but typically practices are 2 times a week.
  • Program offers an end of the season in league tournament based on standings
  • Recreation players are selected at the end of the season to play on an all-star team where they may take on another in house league at the same age or have an opportunity to play one of our competitive teams.
  • Buddy/coach requests are entered in during registration. We will do our best to accommodate, but requests are NOT guaranteed.
  • If you're interested in joining our competitive program, sign up for tryouts. If your player is selected for a competitive team and you've already registered for our recreational program, we can transfer your rec fees to the competitive program.

Age groups for Fall 2025

Starting this 2025 season, we will form our Recreational teams based on their grade level rather than birth year.  This change will only apply to team formation in our Recreational program. This adjustment will allow friends and classmates to play together more easily, creating a more enjoyable and cohesive experience for everyone.

We believe this change will enhance team camaraderie, simplify the registration process, and foster a stronger sense of community within our club. We appreciate your support and look forward to another great season of soccer!

Requests to play outside of a posted age group must be submitted in writing to Requests to play up will be considered while requests to play DOWN are usually denied unless due to documented medical reasons.

Divisions Oldest Birth Date Yougest Birth Date
U7 9/1/2018 8/31/2019
U8 9/1/2017 8/31/2018
U9 9/1/2016 8/31/2017
U10 9/1/2015 8/31/2016
U11 9/1/2014 8/31/2015
U12 9/1/2013 8/31/2014
U13 9/1/2012 8/31/2013
U14 9/1/2011 8/31/2012
U15 9/1/2010 8/31/2011
U16 9/1/2009 8/31/2010
U17 9/1/2008 8/31/2009
U18 9/1/2007 8/31/2008
U19 9/1/2006 8/31/2007

Additional Information:

  • Playoff Info will be posted later in the season!
  • Coaching Information can be found HERE
  • Questions? Please contact
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